Customized Bullies
Shiloh of Ciderhouse
Shiloh and Ocean are full sisters from the same litter. They have a beautiful build, with an amazing super sought after pedigree, with some of the best bloodlines in the world.
Color: Lilac and Tan
DNA: At/At B/b co/co d/d EM/EM n/n N/S L1
carries FLUFFY

Shiloh and Ocean’s Sire

Customized Bullies
Ocean of Ciderhouse
Shiloh and Ocean are absolutely gorgeous full sisters from the same litter! Their game changing puppies will arrive in the fall.
Color: Lilac and Tan Merle
DNA: At/At B/b co/co d/d EM/EM n/n N/S n/M L1 carries FLUFFY

Customized Bullies Rapunzel
Shiloh and Ocean’s Mom
Rapunzel is Mr. Attitude’s daughter

Mr. Attitude

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